Unlad Bata: Psychological Aid for Children

January 7, 2022

Sheena Pena

COVID-19 has impacted not only the physical health of Filipinos but their mental health as well. In order to help children cope with the effects of the pandemic, the NCSD established an online child protection platform that provides psychological support. The platform, called “Unlad Bata”, became operational in September 2020 with a project cost of Php120,000. Social workers from the NCSD member organizations volunteered as providers of psychological support to children from different organizations.

“Unlad Bata” was also used to disseminate information, education, and communication materials. The materials include infographics and posters about the protection of children from sexual abuse, online child sexual exploitation (OSEC), and COVID-19 prevention measures. The network coordinated with the Philippine Children Ministries Network for the use of the concept of traffic lights in preventing OSEC, and with Plan International on protecting children from cyber-related victimization. The materials were also shared with public schools and local government units for wider application.

Creating the “Unlad Bata” platform had its challenges. Some member organizations already have their own communication platforms for working directly with children. Still, NCSD continues to encourage them to use this platform so that inter-organizational, inter-generational, and multi-geographic interactions can happen among the children and social workers.

NCSD, through its member organizations, is steadfast in moving forward and continuing to make a difference in the lives of children and families in street situations. The network is thankful for having loyal sectoral committee members who attend to the street children, for members who are present during meetings, and for the continued support from and monitoring by CODE NGO and its partner organizations.

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