Staff Capacity Building Training on Strengthening Decentralized and Participatory Governance

April 23, 2016


With its aim to level-off the understanding and improve the skills and capacities of the newly hired Strengthening Decentralized Governance (DG) project staff, the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) conducted a capacity building training on participatory and decentralized governance held last March 10-11, 2016 at Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. in Cebu City. The training was attended by the regional project coordinators and officers from its implementing partners namely; Coalition for Bicol Development (CBD), Central Visayas Networks of NGOs (CENVISNET), and Mindanao Coalition of Development NGO Networks (MINCODE).


The training comprised of various sessions and workshops showcased: the national landscape of CSOs in the country; effective CSO networking and partnership building; constructive engagement and advocacy; local or regional poverty reduction agenda building and enhancement and lessons of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in participatory governance. Furthermore, the training became more interesting when the partner government officials shared their experiences and expertise on local governance processes and how to strengthen the civil society engagement for these processes. Atty. Rene Burdeos, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Region VII Director, discussed the salient features of the Local Government Code of 1991, Local Development Planning Cycle and the roles of the CSOs in the local planning processes. Then, National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Region VII’s Ma. Theresa Alambra emphasized in her sharing the CSO participation in the regional development planning. Also, Jose Salvador, Jr., Chief Budget and Management Specialist of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Region VII gave information about the budget planning cycle and how CSOs can work with them including the reform budget mechanism – Barangay Bottom-Up Budgeting.

For two days, the CSO leaders were able to enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitude in local, regional and provincial governance processes, integrated development planning, CSO networking, constructive engagement and advocacy. They also had the chance to develop their capacities on coming up with a consensus on the anti-poverty agenda to influence the decisions of regional government offices and local government units on plans and budgets for pro-poor programs and projects. At the end of the training, the staff members linked their lessons learned and experiences to the project by revising their initially drafted annual work plan and deliverables.

The project “Strengthening Decentralized Governance and Multi-Stakeholder Partnership for Addressing Poverty and Inequalities at Regional and Provincial Levels in Bicol, Central Visayas and Southern Mindanao” or simply “Strengthening Decentralized Governance (DG) project” intends to promote the sustainability of participatory and decentralized governance that is responsive in addressing poverty and inequality and in strengthening the participatory governance structures at the regional and provincial levels. It is supported by MISEREOR, the German Catholic Bishops’ Organization for Development Corporation.


Clarence Faye Salvador is the Project Officer of the Strengthening Decentralized Governance (DG) Project.

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