PHILSSA Celebrates 22 Years of Partnership, Innovation and Learning
The Partnership of Philippine Support Agencies, Inc. (PHILSSA) conducted its 22nd General Assembly (GA) last May 16-17, 2012 at The Legend Villas, Mandaluyong City. Attended by forty-seven of its fifty-five member-NGOs, this year’s assembly started with the learning exchange sessions where good practices and experiences of the member NGOs on different themes such as children, urban disaster risk reduction and management, microfinance, and good NGO governance were discussed.
The second day was devoted to discussions of the network’s advocacy agenda in the morning, and the business meeting in the afternoon. PHILSSA identified major national and local advocacy action points – the promotion of child friendly urbanization, advocacy for the informal settler families in danger areas, and engagement in the upcoming 2013 elections. During the business meeting, PHILSSA Chair, Atty. Arnold de Vera, presented the highlights of the network’s accomplishments for the past year focusing on network operation, project development and management, external programs and advocacies, and exploring financial sustainability options for PHILSSA. Mr. Rodrigo Olarte Jr., the network’s treasurer, also presented the 2011 financial report.
For this year’s GA, the following resolutions were approved:
1. Partnership with the Urban Poor Alliance (UP ALL) and other federations in integrating child-friendly focus and disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM)/climate change adaptation (CCA) in the advocacy agenda and activities at the national, city, and community levels
2. Resolutions on the P50 Billion Fund allocated by President Aquino for the housing of informal settlers in danger areas in Metro Manila
– that PHILSSA advocate for the expansion of the utilization of the fund to other highly urbanized cities with informal settler families (ISFs) in danger areas.
– that utilization of the fund be open to technical studies and land acquisition.
– that the Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC) be one of the conduits of the fund, and
– that PHILSSA work with SHFC in the budget preparation and advocacy for the utilization of the fund
3. Advocating for the issuance of an Executive Order to stop summary evictions in “danger areas” until near-city and in-city housing developments are established
4. Participation in the 2013 elections through voters’ education, agenda-building, incorporating various advocacies including critical health issues and concerns in the regions, gender issues, child-focused development, DRR/CCA, and UDHA compliance, and engaging candidates in these agenda.
The GA was concluded with the selection of the new regional representatives and election of the new PHILSSA Board Members. — By Rhea Kristine Aguilar, PHILSSA Partnership Coordinator
PHILSSA’s Board of Trustees (May 2012- May 2013):
Chair : Rosemarie Herrera (HEALTHDEV)
Vice-Chair/ Regional : Catherine Ruiz (CPAG)
Representative for Visayas
Secretary/ Regional : Anna Marie Karaos ( JJCICISI)
Representative for NCR
Treasurer : Rodrigo Olarte Jr. (KPS-SEED)
Members : Sarah Redoblado (ALTERPLAN)
Orlando Carvajal/ Hansel Alviola (FORGE)
Jocelyn Vicente-Angeles (COPE)
Esperanza Abellana/ Celso Lumaad (FTCP)
Ermin Pimentel (KKP-SIP)
Isabelita-Solamo-Antonio (PLRC)
Cristita Racosalem-Epal (BABA’s Foundation)
(Regional Representative Cristina Lim (ASSRC)
for Luzon)
(Regional Representative Junard Amba (KARDAMS)
for Mindanao)
Learn more about PHILSSA, visit their website
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