On Climate Crisis: What We Talk About When We Talk About Resilience

November 8, 2023


By: Sheila Abarra

The characterization of resilience and refining the setting it would work around is the point of unity of the last two distinguished speakers of CODE-NGO’s Social Development Week 2023 Public Forum held last October 18, 2023. 

Executive Director Dr. Rodel Lasco briefly introduced the Oscar M. Lopez (OML) Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation Inc. as a non-government organization (NGO) just like most of the audience at the said forum. Lasco shared a quote of the late Oscar Lopez: “The major natural disasters that have befallen Filipinos during the recent past would have broken the collective spirit of a lesser people. Yet, in the face of such disasters, what stands the most is not so much the resilience of Filipinos in general, but the character and personality of that resilience.”

In relation, UN Habitat Philippines Country Programme Manager Christopher Rollo discussed the relevance of community-level resilience through the “people’s process”. The said process brings faster construction and resolution of issues, high level of acceptability, transparent and accountable finance, empowered and inclusive community, among others. 

Climate change adaptability is a rigorous process. Lasco shared OML Centers projects through the years and highlighted how NGOs can address the climate crisis. He shared a web-based inventory of local climate change adaptation practices, a decision support tool for planners, documentary films produced to boost science-based storytelling, and lectures that underscores how values of public service, and environmental and social justice can translate into good business. 

Mr. Lasco also discussed how OML Center encourages climate science research publishing in academic institutions, and influences policies. 

Mr. Rollo also shared the points of discussion during the United Nations’ High Level Political Forum on SDG 11 last September. Humanity’s present and future is urban. Now is the time to think, plan and act urban. Zooming in, Mr. Rollo emphasized how the Philippines experience rapid urbanization with its cities vulnerable to climate change and disasters. 

Mr. Rollo highlighted the importance of localizing research and policies. To which Lasco emphasized how science-based solutions from our own resources and experts must be properly disseminated for the benefit of the most vulnerable.

Acting on a crisis such as climate can be bleak and unforgiving. But continuously discussing solutions and crafting clear steps in saving the planet makes every struggle worthwhile.

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