“The Open Government Partnership principles and values should go beyond its National Action Plan. These should be realized and promoted at all levels of government. This is the genuine change we seek”, said Ms. Andrea Maria Patricia M. Sarenas, Chairperson of the Mindanao Coalition of Development NGO Networks (MINCODE) and of the Non-Government Steering Committee of the Philippine Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP).
Last June 22, 2021, the PH-OGP Non-Government Steering Committee issued a resolution calling for the participation of the non-government sector in the development of relevant policies related to the implementation of Executive Order No. 138 (EO 138) and the Mandanas Ruling. This includes the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of EO 138 and the guidelines in crafting Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs) of national and local governments. The EO 138 mandates the full devolution of certain functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments and the creation of a Committee on Devolution.
Furthermore, the PH-OGP Non-Government Steering Committee reiterated the important role of citizens in making the governance processes at the national and local levels more open, functional, participatory, inclusive, and truly responsive to the demand of the affected sectors and the needs of communities.
Read more about the PH-OGP Non-Government Steering Committee Resolution No. 1, Series of 2021 here.
The statement was sent to the Committee on Devolution, whose main role is to oversee and monitor the implementation of administrative and fiscal decentralization goals of EO 138. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary serves as the Chairperson, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary as the Co-Chairperson, and the Secretaries of Socioeconomic Planning (NEDA) and of Finance (DOF), Executive Secretary. The Presidents of the Leagues of Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities of the Philippines, the Liga ng mga Barangay sa Pilipinas [League of Barangays in the Philippines], and the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) act as members of the committee.
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