CBD celebrates 18th General Assembly and 21st Anniversary

May 14, 2017


Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, Wonderful things can be achieved” – Mattie Stepanek

Not the scorching heat of the sun, nor the thorny grasses nor the weakened bones coming with age could stop the eagerness of each provincial network (PN) to participate and win during the CSO-lympics, being part of the two-day  General Assembly (GA) of the Coalition for Bicol Development (CBD) last April 21-22, 2017 at Penafrancia Resort, Naga City.

Doing away with the usual structured GA, a design of having this kind of activity was conceptualized considering its theme “Hirilingan, Orogmahan, Pagkaburunyog” (Meeting, Having fun, building stronger relationships). All PNs have actively participated in the bone-wrecking physical activity and team challenge. Art workshop and competition also became a major part of this activity for the art enthusiasts and those who wanted to learn painting techniques. The highlight of the fun was during the Night Novelty Dance Showdown wherein the CBD secretariat also gave their best shot. Bugkos Catandungan, a PN from Catanduanes, topped among all teams who joined the competitions. Another highlight for the first day was the grand opening presentation by a Sorsogon community-based theater group, an active member of PANGOPOD. A boodle fight was also served to further promote friendship among the participants.

Atty. Mila SD Raquid-Arroyo, one of the CBD incorporators and City Councilor, was the keynote speaker on the second day of this activity. She emphasized on her talk the value of always going back to how CBD was founded and connecting it with how the network operates today. A national situationer considering CSOs was also given by Mr. Sandino Soliman of CODE-NGO, while Ms. Roselle Rasay facilitated the OD (organizational development) assessment of CBD. She also presented the strategic map and balanced score card of CODE-NGO. The GA passed the resolutions against EJK (extra-judicial killings), death penalty, lowering the age for criminal liability, con-ass and call for local participatory and local planning. The formal business meeting was successfully done with two new CBD board members from Bugkos Catandungan and ALPRODEV as replacement for the 2 term-ending board members from their network. Finally, a new CBD board chairperson was also elected, Ms. Marivic Vargas-Balance of CAMSURNET.

All these have been possible through the active cooperation of the GA hosts, Naga City People’s Council and CAMSURNET, with the assistance of the CBD secretariat and CODE-NGO. More so, the active participation of each network made the GA more colorful and meaningful while attaining its goal of building stronger relationships with other members.

The two-day activity also left a challenge to its members… the challenge on how to sustain the burning fire in the heart of each member to continue being part of the CBD network, supporting its mission, vision and goals.

Jessica F. Capricho is the Regional Project Coordinator of the Strengthening Decentralized Governance Project thru the Coalition for Bicol Development (CBD).

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