Lun Masla had been known for its notorious past in Malapatan town, Sarangani. The community was threatened by the presence of rebels who were extorting to collect revolutionary taxes. Locals from the B’laan tribe were the favorite recruits of armed groups in the...
CODE-NGO e-Newsletter: January 2018 Special Issue
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Citizen-led Monitoring Program: M&E of Government Projects
“Decoding Conversations” was an offshoot of the Strengthening the Capacity of Philippines CSOs Project, implemented by a consortium of civil society organizations (CSOs) to which the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) was a part of. The 3-year project led...
Decoding Conversations on CSO Good Governance
“Decoding Conversations” was an offshoot of the Strengthening the Capacity of Philippines CSOs Project, implemented by a consortium of civil society organizations (CSOs) to which the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) was a part of. The 3-year project led...
Chairperson’s Report for FY2016-17
Our Context This fiscal year, covering the period of August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017, marked the last year of implementation of the CODE-NGO Strategic Plan 2012-2017. The year ushered in a newly-elected President and the need to build a stronger CSO-led multi-sectoral...
Decoding Conversations on Sustainable Development Goals
“Decoding Conversations” was an offshoot of the Strengthening the Capacity of Philippines CSOs Project, implemented by a consortium of civil society organizations (CSOs) to which the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) was a part of. The 3-year project led...