
Constitutional Reform Advocacy

Civil Society Advocacy for Constitutional Reform Since the debates on Charter change started, CODE-NGO and the Coalition for a Citizens’ Constitution (C4CC) have been advocating for a meaningful constitutional reform process...

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DA Budget Monitoring

DA Budget Monitoring {tab=About DABM}  Philippine Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have little knowledge of the details of the national government’s budget process. They also lack the skills and information to analyze and affect the content of the budget of the...

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PDAF Watch

    {tab=About PDAF Watch} It is common knowledge that the legislators' pork barrel funds consumes a substantial amount of taxpayer's money, amounting to 20 billion Pesos annually. This is often more than the annual budget of the Department of Agriculture and other...

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Democracy Fund

CODE-NGO Democracy Fund Guidelines As approved by the CODE-NGO Board of Trustees on July 16, 2014. Established in 2002, the Democracy Fund was created to support the advocacy initiatives of people’s organizations (POs) that...

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Economic Policy Reform and Advocacy

  Economic Reform and Advocacy Since 2005, CODE-NGO has been one of the consortium partners of the Ateneo de Manila University in implementing the USAID-funded Economic Policy Reform and Advocacy (EPRA) Project. The initiative aimed to establish a meaningful and...

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